The Empire in the days of COVID-19

The Empire in the days of COVID-19

In times when we are all affected by a serious disease that plagues all humanity, monitoring the development of the last few months is still hopeful: the “new normal” does not mean the inertia of seclusion, but it can represent the intellectual step that is the first step facing a marathon that includes strategy, planning and, of course, action to put these plans into practice.

On the eve of Easter, on 10 April, the Emperor was awarded foreign honors: he was made Duke of Cabugi by the King of Quinta Velha and Brigadier of the Royal Army of the United Provinces of Mauritia. The following day, still in aristocratic activities at the Imperial Court, Hofbau hosted a lively dinner between the Emperor, the Barons Kiefernholz and Countess Eisenland. The day that followed, 12 April, was marked by a silent Easter in a Persenburg subjected to social isolation.

The following week would be rocked by two events. The Imperial Diet, on 17 April, started the discussion to postpone the mandate of that legislature for another year, due COVID-19. The proposal was not taken forward and the II Legislature ended on the 10 June. No predictions were made about calling for new elections. Once again, the Court would welcome the Barons Kiefernholz, Countess Eisenland and Ms. Nascimento for an official dinner.

Christian of Carpathia, official picture, 2020.

On 21 April, while the Imperial Government hailed the heroic efforts of King Christian of Carpathia for assisting civilian doctors and nurses in testing and treating COVID-19, as well as transporting medical supplies with US Army, government officials received, in disbelief and scorn, an outrageous amount of 600 sextillion dollars sent by a candidate for citizen who, having declared that he would refuse to comply with the laws of his country of origin, was refused imperial citizenship. Over the weeks, he would continue to fill the government’s message box with his obtuse and improper pretensions to sue the government for not obtaining citizenship for not wanting to follow the law…

The following week saw the Empire strengthen its ties with South American micronations. The Imperial Government and the Government of the Republic of Rino Island held a conference that resulted in the renewal of diplomatic ties between the two micronations, which dates back to 2015. This conference resulted in a close approximation of micronations from the Brazilian Sector and Rino Island and an unprecedented expansion derivatism and virtualism across the continent, culminating in the accession of Rino Island to the Santiago Conference, the most important micronational organization in South America. On the same 25 April, the Empire would recognize the Kingdom of Luna, a micronation established in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

On 03 May, the Emperor would receive the Order of Saints Sylvan and Florian by the Prince of Lochaber and Glencoe and a week later, he would see Argadia split from the Empire to re-integrate Imvrassia after four years of union. On the same day, Oscar I was made Honorary Member of the Maurense Historic and Geographical Institute, the first honor of the kind that was granted to the Karno-Ruthenian sovereign. The following day, 09 May, a historic event: the Empire, along Mauritia, Villa Alicia, Quinta Velha, Luna, Ebenthal, Syldavia, Lateran States and Rino Island signed the Convention of Mauritsstad, a treaty to promote the friendship between derivatist and virtualist micronations, in one of the most relevant acts of unification of the micronational movement on the continent.

On that same 09 May, the imperial embassy in South Korea would be established and entrusted to Mr. Lim JeaWon’s zealous work. During the process of strengthening diplomatic relations, the Principality of Centumcellae was recognized by the Empire and as a sample of imperial support for Quinta Velha, its king conferred a second honor, the Grand Cross of the Order of Saint Rita of Cascia.

On 13 May, the Emperor-King suffered a domestic accident that left him incapacitated, having a medical recommendation to abstain from activities for a week. However, he returned to fulfilling his agenda the day before the recommended on a particularly busy day, answer messages of solidarity from Delvera, Imvrassia and Brienia among others; responded to negotiations with Celyn, made proposals to prevent cyber conflicts in Brazilian sector, participated in a meeting of the Conference of Santiago and received a representative of the Catholic Church in Micronationalism at the Imperial Court.

Two weeks later, the office of Director of Music of the Court, responsible for planning and develop musical initiatives at Court, would be established. The first Hofballmusikdirektor is Mr. Peter Melchior, that a month later would be appointed as the new Minister of Culture.

With the month of May coming to an end, the trauma of Argadia’s independence gave space to the union of Free Territory of Celyn with the Empire. Under the terms of the treaty, this champion of LGBTQ+ rights demanded respect and freedom for his population, something already guaranteed by the Imperial Constitution. A special friendship was formed for the defense of the rights and guarantees of men, and the new imperial state located in Wales was placed under the protection of the Grand Duchy of Nordinsel.

On the 04 July, partly for the personal promotion of His Majesty, the Emperor, as well as for the support of the Hungarian community of Greater Persenburg and supported by the Hungarian Consulate in São Paulo, the bells of the Cathedral of St. Stephen the King of Hungary promoted a minute ballads to remember the centenary of the signing of the Treaty of Trianon.

On 13 June, the Empire signed the Treaty of Dionysopol with the Empire of Pavlov and the Treaty of Theodosia, with Pavlov and the North American Confederation. The treaty, which regulates the use and recognition of imperial rank initially caused negative repercussions resolved in a joint note clarifying the terms of the innovative treaty, which in addition to creating unique political mechanisms, truly celebrates and qualifies imperial dignity. The signing of these treaties, in turn, would strengthen the Empire’s connection with its former ally, Pavlov, but also with the North American Confederation and, in turn, with the Great Republic of Delvera, whose representatives would be received in meetings in the first half of July in a strong movement of approximation hitherto unprecedented in imperial history.

On June 16, while the Court celebrated the birthday of Archduchess Denise, the entire Empire celebrated that the Karácsony Football Club won the CFM Cup, the micronational football championship of the Brazilian sector. The result of 4-0 against the Valencia FC was one of the greatest moments of eSport in Empire’s history. That same day, the imperial ambassador to Italy, Nicola Pillonetto, joined the Civil Protection Department on behalf of our Red Cross to help fight COVID-19. Two days later, the Emperor was subjected to test to check for contamination by COVID-19 and it was proved that he had no contact with the disease, has no antibodies and does not transmit the disease.

Continuing with the foreign policy dedicated to the union of micronational projects in Latin America, the Empire articulated the adhesion of the Imperial Government of Lifreia to the Convention of Mauristaad, the Treaty of Persenburg and the Protocol of Goetha. For these efforts, the Emperor received the Grand Cross of the Order of the Black Eagle by the Sovereign Vitor of Deltaria and was made Marquis of León and Grand Cross of the Micronational Order of the Dauphin by the Prince John of Noronha.

In early July, the Conference of Santiago, which had already issued joint notes for the death of the American micronationalist Nicholas Randouler and in defense of the Republic of Rino Island for the violation of its intellectual material, stated a new note on terrorist movements that proliferate through the so-called Sector Lusophone in the phenomenon called in the other sectors “clone nations”. Another warning would be given days later, when individuals from this terrorist group began to copy symbols from the Brazilian Sector and the Conference to deceive foreign micronationalists.

On 13 July, after attending the first mass in Persenburg after months of social isolation, and saluting the Pavlovian Empire for its eighth anniversary, the Emperor received the resignation of Caio de Taxus, who left the Ministry of Foreign Relations after the end of the II Legislature, that happened the same day. Archie Birch, a novice citizen, informally assumed the post of Chargé d’Affaires.

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