Treaty of Hakodate signed; the Empire expands!

Treaty of Hakodate signed; the Empire expands!

This afternoon, His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor-King and Mr. Carl von Joseph und Rostrand, the first citizen of the Empire born in Japan, signed the Treaty of Hakodate, which marks one of the most ambitious expansionist attitudes of Karnia-Ruthenia, establishing its first territory in the Far East.

Officially created as the “Karno-Ruthenian Concession of Hakodate“, the area occupies part of Hakodate Park, with little more then 10,000 square meters and famous for the cherry blossom-viewing season.

Mr. von Rostrand, now created “His Illustrious Highness, Count of Rostrand“, was appointed as Governor-General of the Concession in Hakodate. As a micronation, Hakodate was placed entirely on the tutelage of the Empire, being subject to the same laws, justice and Head of Government and State.

In international law, a Concession is a territory that is administered by an entity other than the state which holds sovereignty over it, being conceded instead of conquered or any action in this sense.

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