Statement on Notre-Dame fire.

Statement on Notre-Dame fire.


Karnia-Ruthenia, Persenburg.
15 April 2019.
From His Imperial and Royal Majesty’s Own Office.


Early this afternoon I was informed of the catastrophic fire that is destroying the Cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris.

It is impossible for me not to remember the visit I made to Paris at the end of 2013, which I extended until the beginning of 2014. Among my impressions on the French capital, one of the most striking was that of the cathedral in particular.

I felt my soul being filled by faith, by history, by beauty, and by the grandeur that permeated that place. Invaluable treasures were protected by their walls and excited hearts gathered there to pray, to admire, and to learn. Historical, cultural and religious landmark, it is a unique place in the world.

I did not dare to see many scenes of what had happened. It is not what I want to keep in mind when I think of Paris, a city that has wonderfully welcomed me and of which I have great longing and admiration.

But I know that this suffering will lead to the bravery and historical and cultural reverence that mark the personality of the French people. Let us all leave this tragedy, as humanity that loses one of its greatest treasures, like a phoenix: sprouting life from the ashes.

We will rebuild the Cathedral and in thought, it occurs to me that one of the great values of the West is to overcome tragedies and grow even more. We will look, by virtue of our loss, with greater reverence for this landmark that is also the heart of France.

We stand in solidarity with the French Catholics and the Parisian population. We pray for the firefighters and for all those who do the best to deal with this situation and who have heroically saved many of their treasures.

Ensemble, nous resterons.

Micronational Education – a new horizon.

Culture, in general, has always been a very dear value to the Empire since its inception. Many organizations in Karnia-Ruthenia, such as the Academy of Heraldry or the Imperial and Royal Military Academy, were put forward as essays for the education of some teaching sector: heraldry and military knowledge, respectively. But education, by itself, has never been exploited until then.

Between December 2018 and March 2019, the founding of an institute for teaching and research was widely debated between His Imperial and Royal Majesty, the Emperor-King, the Prince Karácsony-Maryen and the Duke of Daugavia. The Emperor sought to create a reference center for the publication of articles on micropatriology; the Prince wanted to incorporate external knowledge and activities to be disseminated in the micronational milieu and the Duke hoped to develop courses on various sectors for micronational life. Together, they found a solution.

The Imperial and Royal Academy of Geographical and Social Studies, or IRAGSS, was founded by the Imperial and Royal Decree n. 171-2O19, on 24 March 2O19. Two days later, the other idealizers were made joint chancellors of the Academy, through Imperial and Royal Decree n. 172-2O19, although its indications still to be approved by the Minister of Culture, His Highness, the Duke of Lamburg.

More than creating an institute and indicating its governance, guidelines have been established for education in the Empire. Under the law, education is subdivided into Basic Education (offered by the educational institutions of the macronations of which the citizen belongs), Medium Education ( given through the proposed tutoring programs as an introdution to micronationalism) and Superior Education (written articles approved by examining board organized by the Academy on Micronational and Karno-Ruthenian history).

Perhaps a timid step if we think of education as a universal and multifaceted value. On the other hand, an unprecedented effort to transmit the know-how and cultural breadth of an internationally acclaimed micronation for its cultural development to micronationalists around the world. Perhaps a modest exchange is offered: the enrichment of micronationalism by a diploma.

Duke of Albuquerque, Count Eichweiss visits Persenburg!

As planned since the beginning of the month, and published in the Circular of the Imperial Court of Karnia-Ruthenia, last night in Persenburg, the Capital of the Empire, a dinner was offered in honor of our national hero and Maurician citizen, the Illustrious Duke of Albuquerque, also Count Eichweiss, with a blend of Italian, Hungarian and Basque cuisine.

In lively conversation, the bonds between the United Provinces of Mauricia and the Karno-Ruthenian Empire solidify and promise to flourish even more.

This was the first micronational visit to occur in the Great Persenburg.

Cardonia annexed to the Empire; Hakodate merged with Cardonia

30 January mark the day when the Duchy of Libertia joined the Kingdom of Ruthenia, back in 2015. This union of forces were pivotal to make Ruthenia establish itself as a promissing micronational project that eventually would also merge with Karnia to become the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia, the micronational entity we known today and have spread its influence all over the world. But during the celebrations of the “Libertian Day” of 2019, another union, less equal, was realized.

The Kingdom of Cardonia is a constitutional monarchy located in Asia. Founded by Carl of Cardonia, better known as Carl, Count Rostrand in Karnia-Ruthenia, on 05 February 2015. It is located withing the boundaries of Ishigakiyama Castle Park. After being dethroned in 2016, Carl recovered the throne and was eager to request his merge to the Empire. But the terms of the treaty were very restrictive.

The Treaty of Libenstein, also known as the Karnia-Ruthenia–Cardonia Annexation Treaty, was made by the rulers of the Empire of Karnia-Ruthenia and the Kingdom of Cardonia on 30 January 2019. In this treaty, Karnia-Ruthenia formally annexed Cardonia following the turnover of internal and external affairs to Karnia-Ruthenia. Karno-Ruthenians commentators predicted that Cardonians would easily assimilate into the Empire, especially due the provision that the Karno-Ruthenian Concession in Hakodate would become part of the Cardonian territory.

As Oscar I ceded Hakodate to become territory of Cardonia, that in turn was annexed by the Empire, he received as compensation for this “loss of territory”, was ceded to him the former Cardonian royal titles of “Grand Duke of Leuvenberg and of Strena”, and the newly-created title of “Protector of Cardonia”.

The Empire grew and reorganized itself in Asia. It remains to observe the gains for the Empire. Will this treaty of hard terms be advantageous?

Conference of Persenburg gathers micronational leaders.

The Conference of Persenburg was held in frequent, scheduled sessions from 16 to 18 January 2019. The conference was held via Internet, in a Facebook discussion group to overcome obstacles of time and distance. The Conference aimed to discuss economy within the Lusophone sector of micronationalism, studying cases and exposing several topics of discussion, exploring the examples in process among the invited micronations.

On 14 January, the first theme of the day was “Micronational Economy: Feasibility”. Representatives of Deltaria, Manso, Villa Alicia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. There was an intense exchange of experiences, especially on the creation of companies in the micronational sector, with emphasis on the Manseans advances.

The second debate was “Economic Framework: Practical and Legal Aspects”. Representatives of Deltaria, Manso, Villa Alicia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. This discussion was marked by the exchange of experiences of the representatives, with special attention to the economic practice between the involved ones and the diminutive legislation on the subject in Deltaria.

On 15 January, the first theme of the day was “Utilization and Ballast: of the Applications and the Value of the Micronational Currency”. Representatives of Deltaria, Manso and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. Innovative measures were discussed to replace ballast, which in practice was less widespread in the micronational medium as a practical concept and foreign micronations and their established ballasts were mentioned.

The second debate was “Cryptocurrencies and the Mining Process for Micronationalism”. Representatives of Deltaria, Manso and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. It was shown that few micronations made use of cryptocurrencies, as an expensive alternative and with few successful examples in the middle, although it was definitely an option.

On 16 January, the first theme of the day was “On the standards of ballast and conversion: economic integration tool?”. Representatives of Manso and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. The Mansean conversion alternative was presented; an innovative method with analysis by means of algorithms that would measure activity as a means to convert this variable as value of a micronational currency. Posteriorly, the “Betism”, a economic theory developed by Rafael Campos, Ministry of Economy of Deltaria, was also presented. A suggestion of support for the Nazi-fascist cause on the part of a Deltarian citizen who inspired the theory caused a discomfort with the hosts, making it impossible to continue the appreciation of the theory.

The second debate was “National Banks and Reserves and their relevance in micronational government.”. Representatives of Deltaria, Mauricia, Villa Alicia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. The delegations demonstrated a special peculiarity in this topic, each one having developed very particular methods, mostly refined, with special attention to the procedures adopted by Villa Alicia and Mauricia, the most complex.

The third debate was “Stock Exchange: national or sectoral?”. Representatives of Deltaria, Mauricia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. Partial interest in the establishment of a national stock exchange was shown to the detriment of one for the whole sector due to the lack of micronational activity and the unpopularity that legislation and regulation on the subject used to cause.

On 17 January, for the last day of debates, the first theme of the day was “Economic integration: paths in Lusophone sector”. Representatives of Deltaria, Villa Alicia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. It was found that despite many possible plans, the creation of an entity or body that professed common economic interests would be desirable and would be an instrument to promote economic integration.

The second debate was “Economic activity as an incentive mechanism to the activity”. Representatives of Manso, the Reich, Mauricia and Karnia-Ruthenia participated in the discussion. The highlight was the Maurensian activity, which merges mercantile elements into government activity, forcing the public machine to “pay for activity”, in a system unique to micronationalism in any linguistic sector, there being no parallel case and constituting this in pride of the Lusophone sector.

On 18 January, the last day of the event, the day was reserved for discussions on the development of partnerships and closure of the event, with the distribution of a commemorative medal to celebrate the first organized economic event in the Empire.

The Empire in 2019.

With the beginning of the year, the Empire is preparing for another annual season of activities to be carried out and others that, already established, should take place at the first opportunity.

In the Imperial Court, the Emperor and the Empress entertain their noble peers with social activities, especially the familiar ones. The political class still struggles to mobilize and finally be able to make viable the electoral process, which has long been blocked and whose realization brings great expectation. The economy, the project of the eyes of the population, can gain strength with the coming Conference of Persenburg, still undated and without confirmed guests, but presumed to deal with economic issues.

In the field of international relations, in addition to the previously mentioned conference, other news for January are already established. The Ambassador to the Lusophone Sector, Prince Karácsony-Maryen expands the diplomatic horizons of the Empire and begins to contact relevant micronations of the Spanish-speaking sector. In addition, the possibility of a micronational meeting in São Paulo, the third of its kind, encourages the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In parallel with this, it is known that the Empire plans to strengthen its presence in the British Isles through partnerships and also strengthen its relationship with micronations of Eastern Europe, a region of great interest since always. In addition, propaganda for the increase of citizens from this region are under way.

The apparent calm of government, in fact, hides a tangle of activities whose fruits are to be harvested throughout the year, promising great political-social changes, and also in the economic field, for the first half of 2019.

Daugavia joins the Empire!

The Court Circular for December pointed out that on the first day of this month, after a social event – the wedding of the Counts Ricarte – there would be a political event which our Emperor would participate in: the signing of the Treaty of Ephigeniastadt.

Created on 30 November 2018, the Duchy of Daugavia is a small monarchy surrounded by the city of São Paulo, a few kilometers away from the capital and heart of the Empire, Persenburg. Still expanding, it is not surprising that the Empire embraced this promising project so close to itself.

Founded by Deltarian immigrants, it is headed by Ulli von und zu Eibenland-Sansbeurg, the reigning duke and until then, one of the youngest and most promising figures in Lusophone micronationalism. Leaving his home micronation behind with open doors, he ventured into the English-speaking sector of micronationalism and enjoyed sovereignty for a few hours. The founding of the duchy was aided by the Emperor-King of Karnia-Ruthenia, but conditioned to its future union with the Empire.

With inspiration in Spanish and Baltic elements, Daugavia becomes the fifteenth entity of the Empire, bringing a population of four people, being three women and therefore, composing the territory of the empire with greater female population until the present.

The Treaty of Ephigeniastadt, signed at the capital of the duchy, signed between Emperor-King Oscar of Karnia-Ruthenia and Duke Ulli of Daugavia in which it was agreed that Daugavia would cease to be an independent micronation and would become a member state of the Karno-Ruthenian Empire, submitted to its laws, Constitution and Emperor, as some of the other union treaties the Emprie celebrated, like the Treaty of Nison of 2016 or the Treaty of Kürzung of 2017.

Celebrations for the Foundation Day.

Today, the Empire celebrates the Foundation Day, reminiscent of the founding of the predecessor state of Karnia-Ruthenia, the Kingdom of Ruthenia. In its four years of existence, the tiny kingdom has won admirers, unified projects, brought together hundreds of citizens dispersed across the globe, and has now become a micronational empire respected and admired by countless people and inspiring countless micronationalists.

HIRM. the Emperor after donating blood.

The already long-awaited List of Honors was the shortest of all time: it granted an Order of St. Paul, two Orders of the Lion and three titles of nobility, two of these for residents of Great Persenburg and supporters of His Majesty, the Emperor. The newly-created noble, Baroness Eisenland, accompanied His Imperial Majesty this morning to promote the first act of the Imperial and Royal Red Cross of Karnia-Ruthenia, founded on 11 November and chaired by Her Imperial Majesty, the Empress.

Image released by the Imperial Court of the book “A Hoard of Treasures”.

His Majesty has donated 460 millimeters of blood to the Blood Bank of São Paulo and is expected to repeat donations on a regular basis and encourages micronationalists and friends to follow his example and help thousands of people who depend on this donation, while the reserves of the Blood Banks tend to be deficient due to the ever increasing demand. His Majesty also encourages citizens around the world to seek to donate blood, but also to support the Red Cross in any way possible.

Also, His Majesty publicized the book “A Hoard of Treasures”, written by Richard Storry and in which His Majesty is a character of a riddle involving the future King of Ruritania and a fabulous treasure, marking the very first portrayal of the Emperor-King.

Joint Statement of the Antarctic Micronational Community

We, the undersigned leaders of the Antarctic micronations, organizations and new nation projects, decisively condemn the actions of Alexey Palkin and of all people associated with the so-called “Antarctic Union”, who unilaterally and without our permission declared us members of this “union”, as appears on the group’s website.

None of the entities we represent bear any connection whatsoever with the group in question, and we call on Alexey Palkin and other people associated with it to immediately remove the mentions of us from their website. Not only are such claims factually incorrect, they constitute a copyright violation and should our demand not be met, we will take all the necessary measures to protect our intellectual property.

We furthermore condemn the so-called “Antarctic Union”’s claims to be issuing “Antarctic passports with visa-free passage to over 100 countries”, offering “houses in Antarctica for sale” and being related to some nonexistent “Bank of Antarctica” as outright fraud disguised in micronationalism, and reserve the right to contact the relevant law enforcement authorities in order to put such activities to an end.

We reaffirm our commitment to Antarctica as a unique natural reserve, free from human intervention, attempts at colonialism and international con artists.

H.E. Yaroslav Mar, President for Life of the Federal Republic of Lostisland
Rt. Hon. Denys Tezdzhanenko, Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Lostisland
Rt. Hon. Joaquín Castillo-Lopez, Chancellor of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
Hon. Daniel Morris, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Grand Duchy of Flandrensis
H.R.H Grand Duke Travis of Westarctica
H.I.M. Oscar I, Emperor-King of Karnia-Ruthenia

Supported by:
H.I.M. Jonathan I, Emperor of Austenasia

August in Court.

The month of August is probably the most active in the Empire. Celebrations, social movement, politics… August never disappoints. However, this month of August was not the happiest in imperial history.

On the first day of the month, the Empire Day was celebrated. As usual, the List of Honors of August brought new names to be listed among the empire’s most distinguished citizens. However, it was a much shorter list than in previous years. Was the monarchy hardening its criteria?

“Empire Day poster”, 2O18.

On 06 August, is Imperial Majesty’s Diplomatic Service resplended during the Congress of St. Louis, hosted by the most important ally of the Empire in North America, the Grand Republic of Delvera. However, the congress would become a bilateral meeting, considering the absence of half of the four invited participants. If, on the one hand, the congress seems to have lost its importance, it is much more probable that the logic of Charles Darwin applies to micronationalism as well. Micronations with less complexity and political depth do not conform to norms – this is the result of the Congress that ended on 25 August.

On 16 August, Karnia-Ruthenia and the Empire of Lemuria signed the Treaty of Saint Michael of Socotra, earning for the Empire another expansion and the creation of the first protectorate of the imperial history, the Karno-Ruthenian Protectorate of Socotra.

If foreign policy is strengthened, the legislative gap weakens the empire’s democracy because of the politicians themselves. The yearning for democracy comes from the central power, while the people seem to wait for an authoritarian resumption of power by the Crown. The solution to this situation may come from a meeting scheduled for 04 September, when the Emperor will receive the Minister of Justice, Prince Wilhelm von und zu Hochbach-Kundarheim, at a state dinner offered in his honor.

In relation to social events, these were deeply shaken by the passing of Prince Alexander Fejes de Balógh, the Emperor’s godfather. The fact occurred on 07 August, and with a period of one week of mourning at Imperial Court, it threw a black veil over the Emperor’s Day celebration, to be held exactly a week later, on the Sovereign’s birthday, on 14 August. The celebration was drastically reduced, and split with the Fathers Day celebration in the capital and the return of the Archduke Ari to the Court after a period of three months in the northern region of the Empire.

The last event of the month took place on 19 August, when the Solemn Mass in honor of the patron saint of the Empire (and also of Hungary), St. King Stephen of Hungary. On this occasion, in support of the Youth Group Árpád, the Emperor offered a generous donation, in the form of a replica of the Holy Crown of Hungary, which the youths delivered to the community of Persenburg (and the community of Vila Anastácio, the neighborhood surrounding the capital imperial).